понедельник, 27 августа 2012 г.


 Blini is a fabulous russian food, you can serve them at a posh dinner ( for example with caviar) or use as a fast food for picnic.

Today I am going to show recipe of Blini with one of the most popular fillings.

How to make Blini you can check here.

To make the meat inside the pancake mellow, first you should boil it till it completely ready.

And then you mince it together with any greens and onion.

If you do not have meat grinder, use blender.

For filling you can use any meat you prefer, but personally I prefer chicken giblets in order to make Blini more dietary.

 So, for 10-12 filled blini, cook 1kg of chicken giblets and then mince them with 1 onion and bunch of greens.

Season this paste with salt and pepper and mix well.

If you feel it looks a lil drily, add some mayonnaise.

Wrap meat to each Blin any way you prefer.

Then, heat the frying pan with a little of vegetable oil and cook each Blin from both sides, until it looks crispy and toasty.

If you want to see my video Blini with meat making tutorial click here.

вторник, 21 августа 2012 г.




Schi is a very popular soup which is very easy to make and you do not need lots of ingredients.


  • 2 medium onions
  • 4 carrots
  • 5 potatoes
  • 2 bay leafs
  • 1 small cabbage
  • salt and black pepper to taste 
  • garlic 3-4 cloves
  • 1-2 tomatoes

Fill the pan with water. 
Boil the water and put 2 onions inside.   If you do not peel onions, just wash them, broth will have deeply brown color and will look much more bright.
Simply boil onions (4-5l pan) for 20-30 min until you see water acquired a lil yellow or brown tint.

  Add bay leafs, salt and pepper.

Cut potatoes.

Cut carrots.

Cut cabbage and put vegetables into onion broth.

First carrots, in 5 minutes potatoes and in 5-7 minutes add cabbage.

Now, you can prepare tomato-garlic filling for soup.

 Pour the tomato with boiling water.

 And remove the skin.

Chop the garlic and mash with tomato. 
And filling is ready. 

The filling you can use directly to pan, 5 minutes before you turn the stove off.

Or directly to plate. It depends on taste.
In Russia almost all soups eat with soup cream.
But if you don not like it or it's hard to buy sour cream in your country, soup is tasty also without it.


Ingredients (approx. 20 kotleti)

1kg of ground meat (50% pork, 50% beef)
3-4 pcs. of French bread loafs, crusts removed
1 egg
2 big onions, chopped
dried bread crumbs
black pepper
vegetable oil


Mix ground meat and onion.
Soak the bread in cold water for about 5-10 minutes. Squeeze dry.
Combine ground meat, processed bread, onion, garlic and egg. Season with salt and black pepper.
Mix well.
Very well, knead the meet as long as you are tired.
Make oval-shaped cakes.
The cakes should be about 2/3 inch thick.
Warm some vegetable oil in a large frying pan.
Roll the kotleti in bread crumbs until completely coated and fry over high heat until they are well-done and have a nice brown crust on the outside, 6- 10 minutes per side. 

If you want to see my KOTLETI making video tutorial click here.






For the most inquisitive visitors I suppose it is my debt to tell that Borsch is not a soup. Borsch, Schi and soup are 3 types of first courses.

But of course if you call Borsch - soup, no one will be offended.

The second fact about Borsch is that the main and mandatory component of it is red beet.

The third fact, it should be nourishing and rich.

In all the rest feel free to use your fantasy.

  •      Beet with bone 500g
  •     Carrots 3-4pcs
  •      Red beets 1 big
  •     Potatoes 4-5pcs
  •      Onion 2pcs
  •      Concentrated tomato paste 100g
  •      Salt on taste
  •     Sugar 1 big spoon
  •      Garlic 4-5 cloves



Traditionally Borsch are made in large 3-5l pans.

Mine is 4 l. so all the ingredients I give will suit for it.

If you want to make just a little bit of Borsch, take twice less products.

Boil the meat  till it’s ready.

Take the meat our and strain the broth if you consider it is not transparent enough and you decide it is necessary.

Salt the broth.

Cut beets and throw them into boiling broth.

Cut onion and carrots and fry them a bit, add tomatoe pasta and cook a bit more. Carrots should become almost ready.

Cut potatoes.

Put to broth: potatoes and onion with carrots.

Cut the meat and put it back to broth.

Add sugar to broth.

Crush the garlic and put it to Borsch.

Cover it, boil for several minutes.

Open  the pan, try if all ingredients are ready, if it is salt enough, turn the stove off and let Borsch brew for 30 min.

If you want to see my full BORSCH making video tutorial click here.

In case you do not like beets or can not find where to buy, you can prepare SCHI, look receipt here.



Blini (pancakes) should be thin, they are prepared from batter and cooked on a hot frying pan.

Blini are traditional Russian food, which can be breakfast, lunch, supper or dinner, depending on filling or side dish.

Note: small, thick and puffy Blini are called Olad’ya, duff for them is made a bit differently and I certainly will share the recipe with you as soon as we master Blini in all their types.

So what you obligatory need to make Blini is Teflon frying pan and a lot of patience.

Ingredients (approx. for 10 blini)

  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon white sugar
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cups milk
  • 2 tablespoon butter
  • 0.5 teaspoon of Baking Powder.


  • Put everything together in a big bowl or blender. Mix until it is smooth and well blended. The batter should be thin and runny.
  • Heat the frying pan and grease with butter.
  • Draw the batter with ladle and distribute into pan.
  • When the edges look crisp and the center is dry, slide a spatula carefully under the blin. Flip, and cook for about 1 minute on the other side, or until lightly browned and look toasty.
  • Remove blini to a plate one by one. Put a little butter on top of each blin, and continue to stack the blini on top of each other.
When Blini are ready, serve it with jam or meat sauces.

If you want to see my full Blini making video tutorial click here.